Postări din bloguri, website-uri 2019
"Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from the Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space.In the last 25,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race.
Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis.Another piece was given to Nicholas Roerich, who attempted to achieve world peace with it. His well known Banner of Peace is a symbol related to the triple Sirius star system.Cintamani is the sacred stone of the Brotherhood of the Star, the last true remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis.Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages.
Since December 2014, Light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the Moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144,000 to trigger their awakening.Cintamani stone is the next step in this energetic process. Since the start of the Multidimensional Operations Solar System, we at the Phoenix Group have started to spread pieces of Cintamani stone among the most awakened Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.Selected pieces of Cintamani stone were put into many dozens of most important key grid vortex points of the planetary energy grid to stabilize the transformation process towards the Event. This Cintamani Energy Grid around the planet is now almost complete.Old Tibetan prophecy says that there will come a time when the King of the world will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age. This time is now. Cintamani stone will play a key role in this process.At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of a Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid.Cintamani stones are pure Light and their energy can not be misused. They help dissolving impants and strengthen your inner guidance and connect you with your higher purpose in this lifetime. But be aware that they are strong amplifiers and serve as magnifying lens to show you what is inside of you, in order for you to transform it, and make you more ready for your mission so that you can play your part in the planetary liberation process."
"Sisterhood of the Rose groups importance and aim !!

Time has come for a huge number of psysical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of the planet.From now on, those groups will be supplementing the Planetary Cintamani Energy Grid, in transmutting the energies of Compression Breakthrough" --- the moment of the Event !!!"
"At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of a Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the Compression Breakthrough into the Planetary Energy Grid."
🏵🏵❄️ 🏵🏵❄️ Cobra's project : Cobra brought to light a very important project about which he wrote in many posts on his blog “2012portal.blogspot” and appears also on “Prepare for Change” blog, many years ago - "The Cintamani Project for our Earth" . It means, forming groups of Lightworkers willing to travel around the planet and plant in the ground several stones, in key points which are intersections of Ley Lines described above.
Where we plant in the ground a piece or more pieces of Cintamani stone, angelic great beings come and anchor energy in these points of the energy grid and strengthen it !In many place around the world angelic beings shows themselves as clouds of rainbow colors, covering with different forms the sky and shining in vivid colors ! - Rainbows, clouds, and sparkles of light in the sky are all common signs from the angelic realm.
You can visit the site and buy the Cintamani stone for your personal use :
Cobra's request : don't wear or stay around your Cintamani stone if you are experiencing low level energies such us: nervosnes, bad feelings, etc.
🏵🏵❄️ 🏵🏵❄️ 🏵🏵❄️ Cobra's Interview (from his blog "The Portal"):
“In terms of size, in order to create a proper activation, as recommended by Cobra it should be a single stone of bare minimum 2-3gr, above 3gr is recommended. It is also possible to use a group of smaller stones under 2gr each buried together in the same hole, in this case a bare minimum of 4gr total, and above 5gr is recommended.
The more grams per location, the stronger the activation will be.
The more grams per location, the stronger the activation will be.
As requested by Cobra, the stones should be buried by themselves, not mixed with any type of other stone or material, to avoid energy pattern interference.
Tachyonized stones will make stronger activations and are much more recommended.
Tachyonized stones will make stronger activations and are much more recommended.
It is recommended to keep a personal stone with you, as it will be an important anchor of the energies of the Event Galactic waves in your energy field when it happens, and also the stone will help your protection and spiritual journey.
Cobra :
“If you have a cintamani stones you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is not just a piece of dead matter. It is alive with energy. It will not put any negativity in you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it.“
A wonderful VIDEO about the Cintamani stones and their features and purpose :
Cobra : " Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after long journey through interstellar space. "
" Cintamani stone is an emanation of pure Light nd is an outer manifestation of the purify of our Soul " :
🏵🏵❄️ “Dragon sources have communicated that holders of cintamani stones are part of the planetary grid for Compression Breakthrough. This grid now extends into the Agartha network. Cintamani is a sacred stone of the Agartha network. Dragons are asking everybody to treat cintamani stones with respect and are requesting people who are involved in surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones in moments when they are having a conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in a extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.”

🏵❤️❄️So, if you want to have your own Cintamani stone or you want to help to build the Cintamani Energy Grid arround the Earth, you can find on Cobra's blog the ways to buy it or to be part of the huge project to plant Cintamani stones on important energy vortexes !
Links to buy and own Cintamani stones :
Victory of the Light !!!
Victory of the Light !!!
The Cabal Will No Longer Be Tolerated.
Victory To The Light Is Inevitable
Victory To The Light Is Inevitable
“This is Ashtar Sheran and this message is an update on the war against the darkside on your planet Shan the light forces have your earth surrounded. Many see our ships, we are
overtaking dark bases to liberate hostages there and to claim these bases as
future spaceports for the light full-disclosure will unveil them to you. The Fiat monetary system is all but bust, the Cabal are being arrested there are many indictments and preparations are being made at Guantanamo Bay to house them until galactic trial. All of the cabal’s leaders are being arrested, the Clintons, the Bush’s, the Obama’s, and more will soon stand trial for high treason and for many more crimes, not the least of which are human trafficking, narcotics rings, murder the list goes on and on.
Criminals have had their day, we watch as they sweat attempting to murder more of the prosecution’s witnesses, these people are in our care now no more “suiciding,” will be tolerated. This is crunch time as you call it, this is the epicenter of the battle right now in this moment you are living it. We need you to stay strong the dark knows it’s time is up and is fighting to win back its control over your planet. You did expect that, didn’t you? You did expect that they would use the last of their power to create new campaigns to put you back under the ether? If you didn’t then you don’t understand the importance of their control
Criminals have had their day, we watch as they sweat attempting to murder more of the prosecution’s witnesses, these people are in our care now no more “suiciding,” will be tolerated. This is crunch time as you call it, this is the epicenter of the battle right now in this moment you are living it. We need you to stay strong the dark knows it’s time is up and is fighting to win back its control over your planet. You did expect that, didn’t you? You did expect that they would use the last of their power to create new campaigns to put you back under the ether? If you didn’t then you don’t understand the importance of their control
over YOU. How pivotal those on Earth are to their entire regime, the lies the disinformation the false accusations against the light specifically.
They fear us, the Delta forces have come to your planet and are working in the background to help liberate YOU. Any messages of them disrupting your cities are UNTRUE. Their lies there are rumors circulating that there will be no RV that is nonsense the RV has already begun the decline of the American dollar is part of that. We have a sting operation going to ferret out the last of the Cabal members who think to thwart a new quantum financial system that is why the date is being reset over and over and over again. Each time we capture more of these criminals, why do you think there are so many indictments with more increasing as time progresses?
We are bringing down their control system right in front of the eyes of the aware, but behind the backs of the unaware it is a delicate operation. Become aware, entire operation has been shelved. Do not listen, do not give these liars your understand and do not panic when you see videos posts blogs articles saying the energy, do not worry. When you doubt and begin to worry YOU FEED THE DARK. Do changed at all is lying. It is disinformation. These dark workers are working not give them your energy. Enough information has been published to explain the process, we are adhering to this process anyone who says that anything has will not fail you, but you must believe in a faith. overtime to sway your thinking, do not let them, the plan is in place it has been for many of your years. It is a plan that works, it will not fail and we Know also that the dark is attempting to reach you through your own MINDS, Sharon has had many reports of dark attempts to separate light workers from each attempting to create quarreling between them. You must know that Sharon works other, be it in creating doubt in their loyalty to Sharon leaving her group or on earth in her heart, she is unwavering in her commitment to see this through directly under me she is loyal to the light and has the liberation of humanity we ask no less of you. Know that doubt is your enemy, the enemy the dark tries weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system. to create within you. That doubt is its voice, all is well. The world will go through growing pains as you change but that is to be expected, you will be weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system.
The plan is to give all on earth enough money to be financially independent, there will be no more suffering and this will allow you to outgrow your need of it. however we know that your lack of money keeps you dependent upon it and in your It may seem ironic to you that giving you more will, we knew of your dependency nefarious financial system, lack creates more lack, greed and suffering. This Plan, do not give yourselves over to the dark any longer, the dark is dying, it will end for you and soon, this is the Divine Plan.
You are part of the Divine has lost any last-ditch efforts to keep the illusion alive. Do not support them with your energy, understand that they were attempting to trick to it stay in your before but the closer we move to final victory, the worse their trickery will become for you. We apologise but it is simply a question of not listening to it stay in your light.
Love adonai. A star you.”They fear us, the Delta forces have come to your planet and are working in the background to help liberate YOU. Any messages of them disrupting your cities are UNTRUE. Their lies there are rumors circulating that there will be no RV that is nonsense the RV has already begun the decline of the American dollar is part of that. We have a sting operation going to ferret out the last of the Cabal members who think to thwart a new quantum financial system that is why the date is being reset over and over and over again. Each time we capture more of these criminals, why do you think there are so many indictments with more increasing as time progresses?
We are bringing down their control system right in front of the eyes of the aware, but behind the backs of the unaware it is a delicate operation. Become aware, entire operation has been shelved. Do not listen, do not give these liars your understand and do not panic when you see videos posts blogs articles saying the energy, do not worry. When you doubt and begin to worry YOU FEED THE DARK. Do changed at all is lying. It is disinformation. These dark workers are working not give them your energy. Enough information has been published to explain the process, we are adhering to this process anyone who says that anything has will not fail you, but you must believe in a faith. overtime to sway your thinking, do not let them, the plan is in place it has been for many of your years. It is a plan that works, it will not fail and we Know also that the dark is attempting to reach you through your own MINDS, Sharon has had many reports of dark attempts to separate light workers from each attempting to create quarreling between them. You must know that Sharon works other, be it in creating doubt in their loyalty to Sharon leaving her group or on earth in her heart, she is unwavering in her commitment to see this through directly under me she is loyal to the light and has the liberation of humanity we ask no less of you. Know that doubt is your enemy, the enemy the dark tries weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system. to create within you. That doubt is its voice, all is well. The world will go through growing pains as you change but that is to be expected, you will be weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system.
The plan is to give all on earth enough money to be financially independent, there will be no more suffering and this will allow you to outgrow your need of it. however we know that your lack of money keeps you dependent upon it and in your It may seem ironic to you that giving you more will, we knew of your dependency nefarious financial system, lack creates more lack, greed and suffering. This Plan, do not give yourselves over to the dark any longer, the dark is dying, it will end for you and soon, this is the Divine Plan.
You are part of the Divine has lost any last-ditch efforts to keep the illusion alive. Do not support them with your energy, understand that they were attempting to trick to it stay in your before but the closer we move to final victory, the worse their trickery will become for you. We apologise but it is simply a question of not listening to it stay in your light.
Video :
Traducerea în limba română :
Cabala nu va mai fi tolerată. Victoria Luminii este inevitabilă.
"Acesta este Ashtar Sheran
și acest mesaj este o actualizare a războiului împotriva zonei întunecate pe planeta voastră Shan, pe care l-au
înconjurat Forțele Luminii.
Mulți ne văd navele, preluăm bazele întunecate pentru a elibera de acolo
ostaticii și pentru a revendica aceste baze ca viitoare porturi spațiale pentru
dezvăluirea totală a luminii care vi se va descoperi.
Sistemul monetar Fiat este doar un bust, Cabala va fi arestată, există
multe acuzații și sunt făcute multe pregătiri în Golful Guantanamo pentru a-i
găzdui până la procesul galactic. Toți liderii Cabalei vor fi arestați, Clintons, Bush, Obama, și mai mulți vor fi în
curând judecați pentru înaltă trădare și pentru multe alte crime, dintre care nu
mai puțin de traficul de persoane, inelele narcotice, ucideri, și lista poate continua.
Acești criminali s-au bucurat de zilele lor, vedem cum transpiră încercarea
de a ucide mai mulți martori ai procuraturii, acești oameni acum sunt în grija
noastră, și nu mai sunt tolerate așa-zisele "sinucideri". Aceasta
este perioada de criză așa cum o numiți, acesta este epicentrul luptei pe care chiar
acum, în acest moment în care îl trăiți. Avem nevoie ca voi să rămâneți tari, întunericul știe că
este timpul să se lupte să își recâștige
controlul asupra planetei voastre. V-ați așteptat, nu-i așa? V-ați așteptat ca
ei să își folosească ultima lor putere
pentru a crea noi campanii pentru a vă slăbi ? Dacă nu ați făcut-o, atunci nu
înțelegeți importanța controlului lor asupra VOASTRĂ. Cât de mare importanță are
întregul lor regim pe Pământ, minciunile și dezinformarea, acuzațiile false
împotriva luminii în mod special.
Se tem de noi. Forțele Delta au venit pe planeta voastră și lucrează în
spatele scenei (în fundal) pentru a vă ajuta să vă eliberați. Oricare dintre
mesajele lor care vă zdruncină orașele, nu sunt adevărate. Minciunile lor sunt zvonuri
care circulă despre faptul că nu va fi nici un RV, că este un non-sens, că RV-ul
deja a început, că declinul dolarului american este o parte RV-ului. Avem o
operațiune va distruge ultimii membri ai Cabalei care se gândesc să
contracareze noul sistem financiar cuantic, motiv pentru care data resetării
este amânată mereu. De fiecare dată când prindem mai mulți dintre acești
criminali, de ce credeți că sunt așa de multe învinuiri al căror număr crește
odată ce facem progrese în timp ?
Le distrugem m sistemul de control, chiar în fața ochilor celor conștienți,
dar în spatele celor care sunt încă inconștienți, este o operațiune delicată. Fiți
conștienți, înțelegeți și nu intrați în panică când vedeți video-uri, postări
de bloguri, articole spunând că întreaga operațiune va fi ascunsă privirilor.Nu-i
ascultați, nu vă dați energia acestor mincinoși, nu vă îngrijorați. Atunci când
nu aveți încredere și când vă faceți griji, HRĂNIȚI ÎNTUNERICUL. Nu le dați
energia. A fost publicată suficientă informație pentru a explica acest proces, aderăm
la acest proces, oricine spune că nu s-au schimbat toate, minte. Este
dezinformare. Acești lucrători întunecați lucrează peste program pentru a vă dezinforma
gândirea, nu-i lăsați, planul este în vigoare de mulți ani. Este un plan care
funcționează, nu va eșua, iar noi nu vom da greș, dare trebuie să aveți
Știți de asemenea că, întunericul încearcă să ajungă la voi prin propriile
voastre MINȚI, Sharon a avut numeroase rapoarte despre încercările întunecaților
de a separa Lucrătorii în Lumină unii de alții, fie creând îndoială în jurul loialității
lor față de Sharon, apoi părăsind grupul ei sau încercând să creeze certuri
între ei. Trebuie să știți că Sharon lucrează direct în subordinea mea, este loială
luminii și neclintită în angajamentul ei de a vedea aceste lucruri prin faptul
că nu cerem mai mult de la voi. Știți că îndoiala este dușmanul vostru,
inamicul pe care întunecații încearcă să îl creeze în voi. Lumea va trece prin
dureri tot mai mari pe măsură ce vă schimbați, dar acest lucru era de
așteptat, veți fi detașați de dependența voastră de bani prin intermediul
noului sistem financiar cuantic.
Planul este acela de a oferi tuturor oamenilor de pe Pământ suficienți bani
pentru a fi independenți din punct de vedere financiar, nu va mai exista
suferință și acest lucru vă va permite să depășiți nevoia voastră de bani. Ar
putea părea ironic pentru voi, dacă vi se dă mai multă voință, știm despre
dependența voastră, însă știm că lipsa voastră de bani vă ține dependenți de ei
și de sistemul vostru financiar mizerabil, lipsa creează mai multă lipsă,
lăcomie și suferință.
Aceasta se va sfârși pentru voi și,
în curând, acesta este Planul Divin. Sunteți parte a Planului Divin, nu mai stați
în întuneric, întunericul este pe moarte, și-a pierdut toate eforturile pentru
a menține iluzia în viață. Nu-i sprijiniți cu energia voastră, înțelegeți că au
încercat să vă păcălească înainte, dar cu cât ne apropiem mai mult de victoria
finală, cu atât va fi mai rău pentru ei. Ne cerem scuze, dar este pur și simplu
o chestiune de a nu-i asculta, pentru a rămâne în lumina voastră.
Iubire vouă. Sunteți
o stea.
Pleiadians Say Earth Now Surrounded By Billions Of Galactics!
Greetings. I am Mira coming to you today with a strong force of love, and commitment from the Earth Council, where I have been serving full-time now for five years. With this commitment I pledge to you and to the Earth to see you through this powerful time of Ascension.As you might have noticed there are strange occurrences on your planet. You are probably feeling some of them, for most lightworkers feel these energies. Even the awakening humanity are paying greater attention to these anomalies. They are occurring because you are going through the Ascension process.
Please be assured that these unusual activities and events are a normal part of Ascension. It is common to feel awkward as you make your way sometimes feeling clumsy. There is a monumental shift occurring with the Earth herself. The magnetic fields of the planet are unstable. Therefore, as you know, the ride can get a little rocky. Due to the influx of light and information, your consciousness is rising. Transparency is becoming the norm. As there is increasing exposure of the secrets and the darkness, the foundation from the Third Dimension is crumbling before you. This can also create the feeling of instability and impermanence, which is the situation in which you now find your selves.
It is interesting to us that some of your historical figures, icons, monuments, and statues are being removed. The spaces that they occupied will be replaced with something significant for the new energies. If only those who are assisting in this removal would realize that these also are mirrors for their own replacement. These icons, figures, people in long-term political stature, etc. will also fall way as the Third Dimension implodes upon itself. We are calling this process “the greatest show on Earth.” It is somewhat akin to a circus, in case you hadn’t noticed. There are billions of Galactics surrounding your planet providing assistance, protection, technology, who are ready for divine intervention if necessary. Please remember that we will not allow nuclear weaponry on your planet. Dispense with the fear of war because there are no more energies for war. There are only energies by the cabal to make more money by creating weapons. This is the truth.
What happens on the Earth affects all of life, your solar system and the seven solar systems of which you are part. It is a precious planet where darkness and evil are being removed. You get to watch this happen. Observe it like you are in an audience and watch it fall. Take back your power, claim your planet back, release whatever is holding you back, and clear the way for a new Golden Age. We look forward to the time that we can be together where we can share our technology with you and celebrate the completion of the darkness on planet Earth. There is a big excavation process happening right now and thanks to you for playing an important part in this extremely important project.
Please be assured that these unusual activities and events are a normal part of Ascension. It is common to feel awkward as you make your way sometimes feeling clumsy. There is a monumental shift occurring with the Earth herself. The magnetic fields of the planet are unstable. Therefore, as you know, the ride can get a little rocky. Due to the influx of light and information, your consciousness is rising. Transparency is becoming the norm. As there is increasing exposure of the secrets and the darkness, the foundation from the Third Dimension is crumbling before you. This can also create the feeling of instability and impermanence, which is the situation in which you now find your selves.
It is interesting to us that some of your historical figures, icons, monuments, and statues are being removed. The spaces that they occupied will be replaced with something significant for the new energies. If only those who are assisting in this removal would realize that these also are mirrors for their own replacement. These icons, figures, people in long-term political stature, etc. will also fall way as the Third Dimension implodes upon itself. We are calling this process “the greatest show on Earth.” It is somewhat akin to a circus, in case you hadn’t noticed. There are billions of Galactics surrounding your planet providing assistance, protection, technology, who are ready for divine intervention if necessary. Please remember that we will not allow nuclear weaponry on your planet. Dispense with the fear of war because there are no more energies for war. There are only energies by the cabal to make more money by creating weapons. This is the truth.
What happens on the Earth affects all of life, your solar system and the seven solar systems of which you are part. It is a precious planet where darkness and evil are being removed. You get to watch this happen. Observe it like you are in an audience and watch it fall. Take back your power, claim your planet back, release whatever is holding you back, and clear the way for a new Golden Age. We look forward to the time that we can be together where we can share our technology with you and celebrate the completion of the darkness on planet Earth. There is a big excavation process happening right now and thanks to you for playing an important part in this extremely important project.
We send profound love, support and healing, to all of you. I am Mira.
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