
Showing posts with the label Victroy of the Light

Commander Ashtar’s Update: Humanity Must Stand United - july 2020

Ashtar's Update: Humanity Must Stand Together by Commander Ashtar ~ Channeled by Kate Woodley | For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from Ashtar, Pleiadian Commander of the Galactic Light Forces. Our Solar System was the Stronghold of the Negative ETs Interviewer :  I wonder if you could speak to why this solar system is the hub of your activity right now? Ashtar : There are a number of reasons. The main reason is that hundreds of thousands of years ago the war for the rights for lack of a better word, and for use and access to this solar system was lost by the Light forces. And as such, there were many dark forces that came in and they created many vortexes and portals, through which many more dark forces from around this universe and others could come in. This is how they reinforced their protection. This is how ...