7 SECRET WAYS SACRED GEOMETRY HELPS EVOLVE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS By Prepare For Change Guest Writer Scott Mathews, Sacred geometry patterns are everywhere, and we will find them in nature, in our own lives, and in the entire universe. Think about your own life; what patterns, have you found, whether in the things you pass by every day, or in technology , or anywhere else, that are either symmetrical and balanced or asymmetrical and unbalanced? Developing a keen interest in patterns is the first step to knowing which ones are inherently good and should be maintained and which ones are bad and should be avoided or broken. “It is the constant dance between symmetry and asymmetry that leads to the twin processes of life and death and the evolution that emerges as a result,” says Anne Durham, an alternate news writer from www.a-writer.com . That is where sacred geometry comes in: it gives us the opportunity to contemplate that dance and, in the process, to grow and evolve ...