
Showing posts from November, 2019

Emery Smith !!!

FORMER AIR FORCE MEDIC: THERE ARE EXTRATERRESTRIAL LABS ALL OVER THE WORLD Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, is changing the course of UFO history. He claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. In 1990, after going through junior military programs in high school, Emery became active duty in the USAF, stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. He went on to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, where he worked on and off-base at UNM Hospital as a surgical assist and paramedic. He was also a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert marksman, chemical warfare specialist, biotech warfare specialist, and led DECON response units. Some of his most interesting experiences came when he worked in underground compartmentalized laboratories, where he autopsied over 3,000 “alien” specimens, including approximately 1200 nearly intact bodies. He said that he personally dealt with man
How Do Quantum Computers Work? Quantum computers perform calculations based on the probability of an object's state before it is measured - instead of just 1s or 0s - which means they have the potential to process exponentially more data compared to classical computers. Classical computers carry out logical operations using the definite position of a physical state. These are usually binary, meaning its operations are based on one of two positions. A single state - such as on or off, up or down, 1 or 0 - is called a bit . In quantum computing , operations instead use the quantum state of an object to produce what's known as a qubit . These states are the undefined properties of an object before they've been detected, such as the spin of an electron or the polarisation of a photon. Rather than having a clear position, unmeasured quantum states occur in a mixed 'superposition', not unlike a coin spinning through the air before it lands in your han