
Showing posts from July, 2019
Love is the Answer: What it Means, Feels Like, & Why it’s is the Key to Everything July 3, 2019 by Edward Morgan By Michael Becker, Love is all you need, and love is the answer . Though many may generally agree with this sentiment, from a spiritual perspective, what does it really mean? In our divine quest for reintegration with our Source, it is infinite, unconditional love by which we will return. In this article, I offer my understanding on what loving thyself, loving another, and I explain how love is the answer to solving the question of our existence within this Matrix experience . What is Love? Love is the name of the harmonic force which binds the entire universe together. Love is the label we give to describe the highest frequency available within Source, at Source itself, and at that blissful, euphoric, all-knowing state of consciousness, there is no degree of separation whatsoever between wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, potential, light, and freewill

Pleiadian Alien Alaje message (Part. 2)

Pleiadian Alien Alaje  Message for Earth Humanity (Spiritual Wisdom) part. 2 Pleiadian Alien Alaye (part 2) Hello, I am Alaje. ( Part 02 - Pleiadian Alaje - Spiritual Wisdom - English Sub (Sourxe : )