Time Travel, Temporal Warfare & Our Future - Webinar by Dr. Michael Salla
Time Travel, Temporal Warfare & Our Future
Highlights from Time Travel, Temporal Warfare & Our Future Webinar now available on Vimeo. Recorded on July 2, 2022
This all began when the German Vril Society achieved breakthroughs in torsion field physics and antigravity technology in the 1920s, which Nazi Germany took over in the 1930s and soon after, reached agreements with Draco Reptilian extraterrestrials to set up a breakaway German colony in Antarctica to safely develop space-time technologies.
The Antarctic-based German colony was later used as a proxy in a temporal war with other interstellar civilizations, which had become alarmed over changes in the Earth’s timelines because it made our planet the ‘future epicenter’ for galactic-wide tyranny to take hold.
Further, as a result of UFO crash retrieval operations in the US and the Soviet Union in the 1940s, scientists began studying how extraterrestrial spacecraft could also be used as space-time travel devices. In the 1950s, Vatican scientists developed the first ‘Chronovisor’ technology which was instrumental in unlocking timeline secrets. Next, multiple classified projects next launched to test how timelines could be impacted by human intervention.
Meanwhile, positive extraterrestrial groups, ancient Inner Earth civilizations, and human civilizations from our future began monitoring and intervening to protect the possible timelines that had significant galactic implications. Thus began a temporal war which continues today.
In this all new webinar, Dr. Michael Salla presents extensive witness testimony and documents that cast light on the opaque world of time travel technology and its hybrid uses by different military intelligence entities, and shows why this information is critical for people’s understanding of current events taking place today.
Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=timEgjI9M1s
Exopolitics on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/michaelsalla
Website: https://exopolitics.org/
Manipulating Humanity through Time Travel: How it Began and Ends
This is the official trailer/short film for the "Time Travel, Temporal Warfare & Our Future" webinar to be held on July 2, 2022. Covers the historical development of time travel technology in Germany and the United States, and how it has been used in a temporal war by different factions of humans and extraterrestrial organizations. Explains how humanity was manipulated through time travel technology, and how that is about to end as we enter a new period in human development due to the arrival of ET Seeder races.
7 Days to Time Travel, Temporal War and Our Future Webinar
Many have accurately described humanity’s present situation as very similar to a Dark Night of the Soul. As we fathom the extent of the situation confronting us all politically, economically, socially, medically, etc., around the planet, it’s very easy to sink into despair and lethargy. This is precisely what the Deep State wants. It doesn’t want us contemplating a marvelous future with incredible life changing technologies where we unite with our cosmic friends, because if humanity were allowed to do so, then it would quickly manifest the disclosure of technologies that have been suppressed for well over a century.
One only has to consult with the US Patent and Trademarks Office to see that almost 6000 patents have been held up under national security orders to understand what has been happening for a very long time. The bulk of these suppressed inventions deal with free energy, exotic propulsion systems, electromagnetic healing, and more. Ever since the time of Nikola Tesla, these advanced technologies have been suppressed by a Deep State led by secret societies and their negative extraterrestrial allies. Among these suppressed technologies is one that would conclusively show us the light at the end of the tunnel and conclude our collective Dark Night of the Soul—Time Travel.
Time travel technology has been around for a very long time. It can be dated as far back as 1895 when Nikola Tesla claimed that he saw the past and future when he opened a temporal doorway while conducting high voltage electrostatic experiments with his newly created Tesla coils. Those early experiments with Tesla coils led to the disastrous 1943 Philadelphia Experiment by the US Navy.

It was in continental Europe, however, that the biggest breakthroughs in time travel research happened—German secret societies led the way in their covert development. This enabled groups such as the Black Sun to foresee the crushing military defeat of Nazi Germany and move all the resources they needed to Antarctica and South America well before the end of World War II. Time travel was subsequently used by this German breakaway colony to outmaneuver the US and USSR, and bring about a Fourth Reich.
This brings me to the present day. Both sides in the behind the scenes “temporal war” being fought by the Deep State against the Earth Alliance, along with each of their respective extraterrestrial allies, have been using time travel technology. As we better understand how time travel technology was developed, put into operation, and used for the surveillance of future operations, we better understand how we got to the situation we face today. Once we appreciate how everything happening around us has been foreseen by both sides while engaged in an elaborate temporal war, we can appreciate the key role we can play in bringing about our desired future. All we need to do is to conceptually grasp how we got into this present day exopolitical situation and then something truly magical happens, which allows us to see the way forward out of this global situation we are in.
In my July 2 webinar, I will be presenting an elaborate road map of the historical development and use of time travel technologies. The big surprise, however, is not that such technology has been secretly developed and used, but that we possess within us our own innate time travel abilities. As we grasp the essentials of time travel, that innate ability within will kick into gear and we will be able to see the future and manifest it. That is what the Deep State doesn’t want and why I hope you join me in next Saturday’s webinar.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Now Available on Vimeo – Order Now
Watch Official Webinar Trailer
( Source: https://exopolitics.org/7-days-to-time-travel-temporal-war-webinar/ )
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