Love is the Answer: What it Means, Feels Like, & Why it’s is the Key to Everything
July 3, 2019 by Edward Morgan

By Michael Becker,
Love is all you need, and love is the answer. Though many may generally agree with this sentiment, from a spiritual perspective, what does it really mean? In our divine quest for reintegration with our Source, it is infinite, unconditional love by which we will return. In this article, I offer my understanding on what loving thyself, loving another, and I explain how love is the answer to solving the question of our existence within this Matrix experience.
What is Love?Love is all you need, and love is the answer. Though many may generally agree with this sentiment, from a spiritual perspective, what does it really mean? In our divine quest for reintegration with our Source, it is infinite, unconditional love by which we will return. In this article, I offer my understanding on what loving thyself, loving another, and I explain how love is the answer to solving the question of our existence within this Matrix experience.
Love is the name of the harmonic force which binds the entire universe together. Love is the label we give to describe the highest frequency available within Source, at Source itself, and at that blissful, euphoric, all-knowing state of consciousness, there is no degree of separation whatsoever between wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, potential, light, and freewill creator ability. Love is the conscious energy which makes up the fabric of existence itself. If you like the term God, then Love is God and God is love.
While we’re here in the flesh, love could be thought of as the visceral sensation of pure, intimate self-knowingness and oneness.

We are in the midst of a rapid, quantum leap in our spiritual evolution as a species. The awakening process sometimes offers a deeper understand that love is much more than a word or an idea: it is who we truly are at our core, at the highest level of existence.
Loving Thyself
Remember, at the highest level, you are Source. And since Source created everything and every-one (every other one or, literally, each other), self-love can and should be achieved by loving yourself and all other ones. All is one, and one for all!
If you want to love another, then love yourself. If you want to love yourself, then love another.
Self-love can only occur when we choose to see ourselves and others for who we really are — in the absence of ego, fear, and any residual belief of separation.
Love is really just a stark recognition of non-separation.
By piercing through the illusory constructs we decorate ourselves with on the outside, we can begin to more easily peer inside.
This process is about unconditional, unremitting, caring acceptance and admiration of who you are. It’s about giving up the exterior subconscious battle to convince the world you are who you create yourself to be with the props you attain or the feathers you flaunt.
Love, as a profound knowing of our spiritual essence, as a deep understanding of the self by the self, is immaterial. In following, if we want to love, we must learn to release superficiality, materialism, and related distractions as these attributes only keep us from seeing ourselves for who we really are. They’re serving, in fact, as intentionally-created diversions to test our ability to see through them and completely love our self for who we are — a non-physical essence.
When we can see past the illusory constructions — anything physical whatsoever — we can bring forth unconditional love and light.
The Soul Says ‘SO U Love’
Our soul knows that love is all that matters, but we forget this when we incarnate. Our human mind and resulting egoic propensity to accumulate “things” to boast our outward expression tries to convince us otherwise.
This brings us to another incredible truth:
The soul says, at all times and no matter what, “SO, U Love!”
Then, and only then, do you ever EVOLve.

The deepest human emotion possible is a knowing of pure, unconditional love that can’t really be described. This emotion occurs when time seems to stop and our breath is taken away.
This kind of earth-shattering love brings about tears, shakes, or rippling chills throughout the body. In those moments, whether you know it or not, you:
Have absolutely no fear.
Align everything within yourself into perfect harmony.
Can’t be harmed, hurt, or distracted by anything — nor do you need anything whatsoever.
Merged your thoughts, beliefs, and actions all into one harmonious essence.
Choose to embrace God’s frequency — when we love, that is God, manifested.
The love vibration of 528hz can help us attune our natural frequency to be open to such feelings.
If these feelings of liberating self-knowledge and honest self-acceptance are reached with the help of an-other, it can then be said that you have seen the true reflection of the self within that other self. This feeling of true love might be described as your soul’s recognition of its counter-point in another.
If these feelings of liberating self-knowledge and honest self-acceptance are reached with the help of an-other, it can then be said that you have seen the true reflection of the self within that other self. This feeling of true love might be described as your soul’s recognition of its counter-point in another.
Romantic Love
Our current Earth experience offers an opportunity where we can attract, via our vibration, a soul mate.
This self-love offers mutual and nearly perfect soul fulfillment since a soul mate is literally your “other half” (all Source players were split into both a feminine and masculine energy prior to physical incarnation). Soul mates offer that one missing piece that helps one to unlock a solemn, intrinsic knowing of the self.

Love has nothing to do with another; yet simultaneously everything to do with another.
Ever wondered why people call their soul mate “the one?”
When you find the one, you know The One.
Love is a figurative coming together of the entire puzzle beneath your very foundation. In some cases, this emotion may rock you to your core, forcing you to deal with unpleasant emotions before you can really embody the essence of the love
Love is the Answer – Always and to Everything
The Beatles had it spot on — love is all that matters. Source Creator’s ultimate intention in this game was to know itself by creating and entering into an illusion in which it could divide and sub-divide its energy and then “fractalize” itself into individuated units of consciousness, enter into games where it could forget who it was, all in order to find itself. The only way reintegration is possible is by a process of self-remembrance, by self-love.
It’s with this acceptance — that of our ultimate reality, intention, and destination — that we can suddenly conceptualize and begin to actualize that, truly, love is all that matters.
When our Galactic Consciousness created the Earth and the blueprint of the human body, it engrained loving clues to remind us of who we are. For instance, when two human hands conjoin, they meld perfectly into one, filling the gaps and leaving no room for separation. Our body parts, reproductive organs, and sacred positions often resemble a heart in their appearance, such as the shape that the lips make when blowing a kiss. Of course, we can choose to see and embrace these clues or dismiss them as nonsense. But that’s our choice as free creator beings.
However, by holding ourselves back from love, all we’re really doing is prolonging the amount of time and energy we spend “doing the work” that’s necessary to refine ourselves enough to finally “get it.” But when you finally choose to commit to the cosmic agenda of love, you’ll know that all is one… all is won.
The Beatles had it spot on — love is all that matters. Source Creator’s ultimate intention in this game was to know itself by creating and entering into an illusion in which it could divide and sub-divide its energy and then “fractalize” itself into individuated units of consciousness, enter into games where it could forget who it was, all in order to find itself. The only way reintegration is possible is by a process of self-remembrance, by self-love.
It’s with this acceptance — that of our ultimate reality, intention, and destination — that we can suddenly conceptualize and begin to actualize that, truly, love is all that matters.
When our Galactic Consciousness created the Earth and the blueprint of the human body, it engrained loving clues to remind us of who we are. For instance, when two human hands conjoin, they meld perfectly into one, filling the gaps and leaving no room for separation. Our body parts, reproductive organs, and sacred positions often resemble a heart in their appearance, such as the shape that the lips make when blowing a kiss. Of course, we can choose to see and embrace these clues or dismiss them as nonsense. But that’s our choice as free creator beings.
However, by holding ourselves back from love, all we’re really doing is prolonging the amount of time and energy we spend “doing the work” that’s necessary to refine ourselves enough to finally “get it.” But when you finally choose to commit to the cosmic agenda of love, you’ll know that all is one… all is won.
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