Agharta & Shambhala
Agharta And The Golden City Of Shambhala
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As the Russian
philosopher Nicholas Roerich passed through the sprawling mountains of Central
Asia in 1926, he and his guides were shocked to witness an incredible, golden
orb floating in the sky. As the Russian
philosopher Nicholas Roerich passed through the sprawling mountains of Central
Asia in 1926, he and his guides were shocked to witness an incredible, golden
orb floating in the sky.
Perhaps Roerich
shouldn’t have been surprised.
Some claim his
journey was no mere expedition: He was attempting to return a fragment of the legendary Cintamani Stone to its
rightful place at the center of Shambhala, and the golden sphere was a
welcoming sign from within.
The Prophecies Of Shambhala

The legend of
Shambhala can be found within the teachings of the Kalachakra, or “cycles of
time,” of Tibetan Buddhism.
It is a “Pure Land,” a circular
city in the shape of a lotus flower, that exists in a space between the
physical and spiritual, perhaps within another dimension. It’s capital is known
as Kalapa, which is located at the very center of the realm, where the King of
the World awaits on his throne.
According to Buddhist teachings,
this paradise is only accessible to those with pure intentions and “karmic
Of course, many have attempted to
locate Shambhala — most believe it lies within Inner Asia, perhaps in the
Himalayas, or within an “etheric plane” somewhere
in the Gobi Desert. Roerich himself claimed an entrance to Shambhala was
connected via an underground passage to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.
But Nicholas Roerich wasn’t the
only one to seek entry into Shambhala; it is said the Nazis sought aid from the
mythical city during their many expeditions to Tibet in the 1930s.
As far as the rest of us know, it
was never found.
We are left, then, with only a
When our world is engulfed in war
and suffering, and all is lost, it is said the King of the World will rise from
within Shambhala, along with a great army, and eradicate the darkness from the
Earth. An age of peace and prosperity will follow.
The Gate To Agharta

however, there’s something more to these old stories and prophecies.
The book Beasts,
Men and Gods by Ferdinand Ossendowski is an interesting memoir of
Ossendowski’s experiences in Russia during the Russian Civil War, and his
journey into Mongolia. But it’s not an ordinary tale.
In Chapter XLVI, “The Subterranean
Kingdom,” he tells of an incident in which his mongol guides stopped suddenly,
dismounted their camels and began to pray, repeating the words, “Om! Mani padme Hung!”
When they finished, one of them
Finally, after many questions, Ossendowski is granted the truth
about this mystical realm of Agharti by the Prince Chultun Beyli:
Recently, this strange place at the
center of the Earth has come to be known as Agharta or Agartha.
Modern myth describes it as a place
of technological wonder (including, perhaps, flying saucers), where high
priests, scientists and supermen hold incredible power, similar to the
civilizations described by the likes of Raymond Bernard and Olaf Jansen.
Shambhala is referred to as the capital city of Agharta, though this seems to
be a purely Western construct. Entrances are said to exist at the Poles, or in caverns and tunnels
honeycombed throughout the planet.
Some, like Bernard, believe this
civilization is composed of the remnants of Lemuria and Atlantis, the two
destroyed continents Ferdinand Ossendowski was told of.
Ossendowski was also told that the
people of this realm hold the power to, if provoked, “explode the whole surface
of our planet and transform it into desert.”
Do these myths and ancient legends
of hidden realms and subterranean cities hold any truth?
If so, will the Prophecies of
Shambhala come to pass?
As they say, time will tell.
( Direct source : )
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