
David Wilcock - new Video !!!

David Wilcock SECRET SPACE  PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020?  (Pete Peterson's Final Interview) We received a very interesting and important video from DAVID WILCOCK , it was shared on his Youtube channel :David Wilcok - Divine Cosmos  (OFFICIAL) About this Video : The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology. The Air Force announced on December 6th that "Secret Space Programs" will be declassified in 2020. This new intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson, in a call from June 6th, 2019. Peterson was arguably the top specialist for black-ops technology in the military-industrial complex for many years. According to this "deathbed confessional" from Pete, he would be allowed to tell the world anything he wanted about his experie

Emery Smith !!!

FORMER AIR FORCE MEDIC: THERE ARE EXTRATERRESTRIAL LABS ALL OVER THE WORLD Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, is changing the course of UFO history. He claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. In 1990, after going through junior military programs in high school, Emery became active duty in the USAF, stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. He went on to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, where he worked on and off-base at UNM Hospital as a surgical assist and paramedic. He was also a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert marksman, chemical warfare specialist, biotech warfare specialist, and led DECON response units. Some of his most interesting experiences came when he worked in underground compartmentalized laboratories, where he autopsied over 3,000 “alien” specimens, including approximately 1200 nearly intact bodies. He said that he personally dealt with man
How Do Quantum Computers Work? Quantum computers perform calculations based on the probability of an object's state before it is measured - instead of just 1s or 0s - which means they have the potential to process exponentially more data compared to classical computers. Classical computers carry out logical operations using the definite position of a physical state. These are usually binary, meaning its operations are based on one of two positions. A single state - such as on or off, up or down, 1 or 0 - is called a bit . In quantum computing , operations instead use the quantum state of an object to produce what's known as a qubit . These states are the undefined properties of an object before they've been detected, such as the spin of an electron or the polarisation of a photon. Rather than having a clear position, unmeasured quantum states occur in a mixed 'superposition', not unlike a coin spinning through the air before it lands in your han
7 SECRET WAYS SACRED GEOMETRY HELPS EVOLVE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS By Prepare For Change Guest Writer Scott Mathews, Sacred geometry patterns are everywhere, and we will find them in nature, in our own lives, and in the entire universe. Think about your own life; what patterns, have you found, whether in the things you pass by every day, or in technology , or anywhere else, that are either symmetrical and balanced or asymmetrical and unbalanced? Developing a keen interest in patterns is the first step to knowing which ones are inherently good and should be maintained and which ones are bad and should be avoided or broken. “It is the constant dance between symmetry and asymmetry that leads to the twin processes of life and death and the evolution that emerges as a result,” says Anne Durham, an alternate news writer from . That is where sacred geometry comes in: it gives us the opportunity to contemplate that dance and, in the process, to grow and evolve

ADN-ul uman este un „internet biologic” reprogramabil cu puteri de neimaginat

ADN-ul uman este un „internet biologic” reprogramabil cu puteri de neimaginat SCRIS DE  DEPARTAMENTUL DE INFORMAȚII ROMÂNIA (DIR)  PE VINERI, 12 IULIE 2019PUBLICAT ÎN:  EZOTERISM ,  SPIRITUALITATE ,  ȘTIINȚĂ “Oamenii de știință au descoperit că ADN-ul uman e un „internet biologic” reprogramabil cu puteri de neimaginat. Cercetătorii ruși au făcut un pas uriaș spre înțelegerea vieții și spre descoperirea originii umane. Conform, oamenii de știință au ajuns la concluzia că ADN-ul uman este un „internet biologic” cu mult superior celui artificial și, mai mult de atât, au găsit și dovezi științifice pentru un nou tip de medicină în care ADN-ul poate fi influențat și reprogramat cu ajutorul cuvintelor rostite la o anumită frecvență, fără a tăia sau a înlocui o genă. Studiul cercetătorilor ruși explică direct sau indirect foarte multe fenomene aparent inexplicabile precum clarviziunea, intuiția, actele de vindecare spontană sau la distanță, autovind
Love is the Answer: What it Means, Feels Like, & Why it’s is the Key to Everything July 3, 2019 by Edward Morgan By Michael Becker, Love is all you need, and love is the answer . Though many may generally agree with this sentiment, from a spiritual perspective, what does it really mean? In our divine quest for reintegration with our Source, it is infinite, unconditional love by which we will return. In this article, I offer my understanding on what loving thyself, loving another, and I explain how love is the answer to solving the question of our existence within this Matrix experience . What is Love? Love is the name of the harmonic force which binds the entire universe together. Love is the label we give to describe the highest frequency available within Source, at Source itself, and at that blissful, euphoric, all-knowing state of consciousness, there is no degree of separation whatsoever between wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, potential, light, and freewill

Pleiadian Alien Alaje message (Part. 2)

Pleiadian Alien Alaje  Message for Earth Humanity (Spiritual Wisdom) part. 2 Pleiadian Alien Alaye (part 2) Hello, I am Alaje. ( Part 02 - Pleiadian Alaje - Spiritual Wisdom - English Sub (Sourxe : )