
Galactic Tidal Wave

A Galactic Tidal Wave Of Divine Light Is Raising The Frequency Of Earth, Ending The Old Reality Over time, our world will undergo a number of different changes and energetic shifts, some are so slight that we don’t even realize that they have occurred while others are significantly larger and more noticeable. One such major shift is currently underway providing us with an important shift towards the ending of our old reality and the ascension to that which is next to come. In order for the world to continue in its path of ascension, it must first experience a re-calibration of its electromagnetic fields. Experts in this area have witnessed significant changes,  reporting that  the magnetic fields, as we know them, are in fact dissolving and reforming in a higher frequency. As the electromagnetic fields on the Earth shift, so to do our auras as  the two are deeply connected . This journey to ascension can be difficult to navigate, bringing with it a number of  different sy

Dr. Michael Salla & Corey Goode Interview

APRIL 4, 2018 FEATURED ,  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Coming Solar Flash & the Galactic Federation – Q&A with Corey Goode WRITTEN BY  DR MICHAEL SALLA & COREY GOODE  ON  APRIL 4, 2018 . POSTED IN  FEATURED ,  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In  an article  and  interview  regarding his December 2017 off-world meetings near Jupiter and Saturn, Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode discussed how full disclosure is related to an upcoming Solar Flash series of events. He also discussed a solar system wide quarantine imposed by a “Galactic Federation”, which is a very different body to the “Super Federation” comprising 40-60 human looking extraterrestrial races he says have been involved in genetic engineering experiments on Earth. Part one  i n this series about his December meetings discussed the “Super Federation” ending its long term genetic experiments, an d  part two   discussed the development of a new representative body comprising an Earth delegation and repres

Plans of the Light Forces

Postări /Traduceri importante din bloguri, website-uri 2019 Xekleidoma - Plans of the Light Forces (Light forces plans for planetary liberation) December 1, 2018 by Edward Morgan) Sursa : 🌼 Planul Forțelor Luminii pentru eliberarea planetară 🌼 🛎 Partea I. Practic, în planurile de eliberare planetară a Forțelor Luminii există 3 faze : 1. Slăbirea solidarizării forțelor întunecate prin șubrezirea și eliminarea structurilor de putere și a tehnologiilor lor de control, creșterea conștientizării populației largi și pregătirea acesteia pentru Eveniment. 3. Curățarea și vindecarea planetei și a ființelor umane, dezvăluirea istoriei ascunse a Pământului, dezvăluirea existenței inteligenței extraterestre și aducerea oamenilor înapoi în conștiința deplină . 2. Preluarea tuturor de la forțele întunecate, începând cu demararea schimbărilor fundamentale în guvernare, finanțe, mass-media, asistență medicală și știință și aducerea membrilor Cabalei î