
Commander Ashtar’s Update: Humanity Must Stand United - july 2020

Ashtar's Update: Humanity Must Stand Together by Commander Ashtar ~ Channeled by Kate Woodley | For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from Ashtar, Pleiadian Commander of the Galactic Light Forces. Our Solar System was the Stronghold of the Negative ETs Interviewer :  I wonder if you could speak to why this solar system is the hub of your activity right now? Ashtar : There are a number of reasons. The main reason is that hundreds of thousands of years ago the war for the rights for lack of a better word, and for use and access to this solar system was lost by the Light forces. And as such, there were many dark forces that came in and they created many vortexes and portals, through which many more dark forces from around this universe and others could come in. This is how they reinforced their protection. This is how

Progress Update from Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Light Forces - june 2020

Progress Update from Commander Ashtar by  Commander Ashtar ~ Channeled by Kate Woodley  | For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from Ashtar, Pleiadian Commander of the Galactic Light Forces. Greetings Kate! Thank you for connecting with me. It is Ashtar your friend, and humble servant — servant to all humanity in fact. I have connected with you for I have some information that I would like you to convey to the masses. There has been much happening here. From the perspective of the Galactic Federation of Light, we are evermore busy. We are constantly and readily engaged with many Alliance members or white hats in this ongoing game, or battle, as some of you have referred to it. We understand that from your standpoint many are becoming increasingly impatient for progress is not moving fast enough… It is difficult to see. But understa

Q ANON, clearing of the deep state and a Plan to save the world explained! june 8, 2020

THE GOLDEN AGE GODDESS BLOG : Monday, June 8, 2020 Q ANON, clearing of the deep state and a Plan to save the world explained! This message was passed to me from a great friend of the world and I will reshare it here: It was written by Spencer Wells. Thank you. “For the people who think this entire QAnon thing and the global mass-arrests are a complete farce, allow me to explain the legal justification to what is soon about to take place. For the last 19 years our nation has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and The Cabal (New World Order). Though I can't go into all of the details, America has not just been at "War Against Terror" BUT WITH EMBEDDED LUCIFERIAN TERRORISTS OPERATING WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY. What I'm about to share is simply a historical breakdown of the legal maneuvers that have led us unto this tenuous point in American and world history. Were you aware that America is right now under a "

The Tweet That Baffled The World - Tweet-ul care a zguduit lumea * Mr. president Donald Trump

The Tweet That Baffled The World March 21, 2020 President Trump sent out a tweet (5/31/17) that baffled the world. Those on the Left had a heyday with his ‘ignorance,’ of spelling and vocabulary, saying there was no such word, but Patriots; understanding his comms (communications), knew something BIG was about to be revealed…. but what …and when? What was this new word… CoVFeFe ? The world watched as 5G slowly came into view. Would our internet capabilities become like nothing we have ever seen? Since arriving on scene, and we being the ‘microwave-I-want-it-now’ generation, 5G is being welcomed with open arms to give us faster internet capabilities. This technology boasts considerable increased data speed leaving 3G and 4G in the past. 5G’s high frequency radio waves (mmWave) would present itself to all of our smart devices with faster down-loads, etc. On the horizon with 5G, are self-driving cars, drone footage, robotic surgeries, etc. Many studies have taken place o

Light Forces - PFC on 25.04.2020 !

Update: Light-Forces – No. 2020/04 April 25, 2020   by  Derek Knauss Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go. Current View on the Corona Virus In reality, the named corona pandemic is not as it seems, as more and more people on this planet are discovering. The Light Forces ask you to remain relaxed and calm, but active in terms of attention, networking, inner work and following the mission in the liberation of this planet. Although it is a virus, which was artificially produced in laboratories, it is a normal virus infection, like any other flu infection that has been active throughout all previous years. It is hardly different from the others. Those who are of the Dark are incarnated in human physical bodies. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they use strains from normal virus groups as otherwise it would also put their own health o