
Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves / 2019

Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves / 2019 april 16, 2019 What follows are the key elements in Corey Goode’s two presentations at the  Cosmic Waves seminar  in Kealakekua, Hawaii on April 9 and 11. Goode made important predictions about how the disclosure process is going to play out, how to prepare for an imminent solar flash (aka micronova) event that would be in the range of an X-100 solar flare, and our entering an End Times era. It is helpful to make a record of such predictions in order to validate other aspects of Goode’s pioneering secret space program (SSP) testimony, which has had an impact far beyond the UFO and exopolitics communities. While many of the points Goode made have been stated before, there was new information that casts light on recent events, especially in his April 11 presentation. The first presentation was intended as a summary of Goode’s testimony and experiences. I will endeavor to cover the basic points G

Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds)

Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds) The End of Cancer, Illness, Disease The above picture is what the Holographic Medical Pods look like which the Secret Space Programs (SSP) utilize in their medical bays. Source: Ileana the Star Traveler, former Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Written by Rev. Dennis Shipman  Writer’s Note:  Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand. Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her