
Maximum Schumann Resonance on the Earth !!!

Record Schumann Resonance Spike 150hz! 03/16/19 March 17, 2019   by  Edward Morgan Add caption  - Schumann Resonance By The All That Is, I believe, in the last 24 hours we have been witnessing unprecedented changes on Mother Earth.. According to the latest schumann readings (the Earth’s vibrational frequency) we have had a sustained 24 hours of exceptionally high frequencies.. At 2am on the 17th March the readings spiked at 150hz.. To put that into context, back in 2017 the Earth’s frequencies had spiked to a record high of 36hz.. as you can see this latest energetic increase has intensified dramatically.. It is said the normal rate that Earth resonates at is 7.83hz.. So what is causing this huge uptick in frequency? What does this mean in terms of our day to day experience? It has been talked about amongst spiritual circles, mediums, channelers and hypnotherapists that the middle of March, like was reported last year, is a time of great energetic shifts coming

The New Matrix & Ascension !

The New Matrix Is Allowing Us To Ascend In Consciousness In A Physical Body by  Teri Wade , Contributing Writer, The Matrix we live in is a grid system that provides the light required to have a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body. The Matrix on Earth was hijacked and dominated by those controllers who control us thru frequency. The New Matrix is allowing us to ascend in consciousness in a physical body. It’s never been done before… Again, we are the Grand Experiment! Those who have been on the Ascension path are gradually tuning into this new grid. It’s hard for many to wrap their head around that none of this is real, this Matrix we live in is nothing but a holographic reality that we have been programmed to live in. The only real is the presence of self. The environment we live in is composed of props, it’s all illusion. We live in a simulation, a holographic projection controlled by an incredibly powerful supercomputer, shall we

Quantum Computing ?

Is the U.S. Lagging in the Quest for Quantum Computing? An IBM Q cryostat used to keep IBM’s 50-qubit quantum computer cold in the IBM Q lab in Yorktown Heights, New York on March 2, 2018. In five years, quantum computing will go beyond the research lab and become mainstream, rapidly advancing the technology and its early use cases. Credit :  IBM Research  Flickr  (CC BY-ND 2.0) A quantum computer capable of breaking the strongest codes protecting online communications and computer data is highly unlikely to appear within the next decade, a new report says. But leading experts still recommend the U.S. government should prepare for that eventuality as many countries race to develop practical quantum computers. Issued by  The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine , the report prescribes a healthy dose of skepticism for the quantum-computing fever that has infected tech news headlines and press releases in recent years. Contrary to some sensational claims, qu

Time Machine ...

Physicists Create a ‘Time Machine’ Successfully Reversing the Arrow of  ‘Time’ Scientists have built what could loosely be described, by all known scientific concepts, like a time machine. A new scientific experiment, whose results have been published in the journal  Scientific Reports , proves that scientists have successfully defied the  second law of thermodynamics  which governs the direction of the time arrow from past to future. Scientists from Russia, working with colleagues from the US and Switzerland have found a way to break, or at least bend, one of physics’ most fundamental laws on energy. What scientists did here is reverse the state of a quantum computer a fraction of a second back in time, hence they managed to travel back in time. In the new study, the researchers successfully calculated the chances of an electron in empty interstellar space returning spontaneously to its recent past. For their time travel experiment, scientists used the “ Q Experien

Quantum Computer & Reveresed Time !

Scientists Have “Reversed Time” Inside A Quantum Computer, And The Implications Are Huge Time: it's constantly running out and we never have enough of it. Some say it’s an illusion, some say it flies like an arrow. Well, this arrow of time is a big headache in physics. Why does time have a particular direction? And can such a direction be reversed? A new study, published in  Scientific Reports , is providing an important point of discussion on the subject. An international team of researchers has constructed a time-reversal program on a quantum computer, in an experiment that has huge implications for our understanding of quantum computing. Their approach also revealed something rather important: the time-reversal operation is so complex that it is extremely improbable, maybe impossible, for it to happen spontaneously in nature. As far as laws of physics go, in many cases, there’s nothing to stop us going forward and backward in time. In certain quantum systems it is po

Gold is back on Track ! End times ....

Gold is Back on Track -- The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank Debt Monetary System Gold is Back on Track The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System Gold and Silver rigging will end Restoration of the American Repu blic and EU-dismantling The Return of the Gold Standard Think about it; Gold has always been valuable, while debt is someone else’s burden with unreliable promises attached, which could end up not being honored. Money backed by debt is a crime against humanity. It is the Rothschild’s invention which regards money as a flow of energy generated from raw materials, goods and services, whereas labor is the key to all activity on Earth. In order to achieve a monopoly over all the energy, they instituted a world system of slave labor by issuing debt money through their privately owned central banking system that has permeated the whole world. This creates for themsel