Light Forces - PFC on 25.04.2020 !

Update: Light-Forces – No. 2020/04 April 25, 2020 by Derek Knauss Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go. Current View on the Corona Virus In reality, the named corona pandemic is not as it seems, as more and more people on this planet are discovering. The Light Forces ask you to remain relaxed and calm, but active in terms of attention, networking, inner work and following the mission in the liberation of this planet. Although it is a virus, which was artificially produced in laboratories, it is a normal virus infection, like any other flu infection that has been active throughout all previous years. It is hardly different from the others. Those who are of the Dark are incarnated in human physical bodies. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they use strains from normal virus groups as otherwise it would also put their own...