Magentic strorm - may 2019

Largest magnetic storm in two years may displace satellites from orbit & hamper GPS navigation – Another series of CMEs approaching Earth The largest magnetic storm in two years, which hit Earth on Tuesday, is no joke, Russian scientists warned, saying that increased solar activity threatens electronics and people’s health. The phenomenon may divert spacecraft from their orbit and create problems for satellite communications and GPS navigation, the Laboratory of X-Ray Astronomy at the Lebedev Institute of the Russian Academy of Science said. The surprise geomagnetic storm erupted during the early hours of May 14th when a crack opened in Earth’s magnetic field. Solar wind poured through the gap, igniting auroras over northern-tier US states like in Ohio , the Dakotas , and Wyoming . Radio interference and Aurora Borealis in unusual places will be the other side effect of the magnetic storm. At its peak, the storm reached catego...